Wednesday, May 17, 2006

sell books

i dont know if anyone still goes on this blog, but i thought id fire this one off: the UH book store buys all books except for the hawaiian sell the ones you didnt particularly fancy...tis all im off have a great summer!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Photos From A Potluck Party. Joyous!

Professor Schultz toasts to the end semester. Cheers!

The Republican and the Liberal Professor embrace their differences...sorta.

The Boys of Summer.

The Gals of Summer.

Jody making phone calls after too many Diet Cokes.

Beer, It's Not Just For Breakfast.

Andy receives a good-bye kiss from Jody. Then exclaims, "that's so club kid!"

Ian Showcases His Basketball Prowess.

Ashley, Straight Out Of Fox Hills. Muthasucka.

Chain Smokers Anonymous. How Professors Cope With Rowdy Students.

Kawika Has No Idea What Jody Is Talking About. But Stri Thinks It's Funny.

Joshua, Fueled By Bud Ice Light.

In Memory Of Professor Susan Schultz.


Awesome party, people. I am going to miss this class. I love you all, and I'm not even that drunk when I'm saying that. Ciao!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

double-consciousness follow-up


Thanks for posting that. Feels like hearing of my own funeral!

I wanted to say, if anyone is still listening, that Barbie doesn't have double-consciousness yet, though she could qualify in the future if she breaks through her own ignorance. She'd have double-consciousness IF she understood the dynamic by which people look at her (a woman) and expect to see a thin, blonde, creature. As she isn't yet there, I don't think she qualifies. My bad. I guess the larger point was that there are "dominant culture" expectations on almost everyone that are damaging, just more bad expectations on members of minority groups and on disenfranchised whites (West Virginia miners, for example).

aloha, sms

Potluck Party In Memory Of Professor Susan Schultz.

It’s a GO, gang!

Potluck on May 11, 2006 right after our American Literature Final Examination.

Location: Macro Polo Condominium’s Outdoor Recreational Area (aka Tim’s place).

The official start time that time has registered with security at 2:30 PM. So that gives y’all half an hour from campus for a 15-minute walk.

So where is the Macro Polo located, you may inquire? The address is 2333 Kapiolani Boulevard. Google --> Map.

Or here is a quick explanation of how to get there:

Walk down University Avenue (the main street in which UH Manoa is located on) to the very end. Make a right at the intersection and it’s the building at the next intersection. It will be on your left. It is huge; it even says “Marco Polo” at the entrance.

Or take the [A] CityExpress bus from Sinclair Circle and ride down two stops. Then walk across the street from the bus stop.

And this information for people who like driving: you will have three easy and convenient ways of parking.

1) Ala Wai Park is a safe place to park until 10 PM (and goshdarn, the potluck ain’t going to last that long, Tim the Host has Finals on Friday). The parking lot is located at the very very end of University Avenue, before the Canal. There is usually an abundance of parking. Then it’s a two minute walk away from Macro Polo.

2) Street parking. It’s a safe neighborhood. So park anywhere nearby. Isenberg Street is good if there are spaces available. Two minute walk plus the time needed to find street parking.

3) Tim has notified me that guests may park at his parking structure at the Marco Polo. The rates are 1 hour for 1 dollar. Or, if notified early enough, Tim can sponsor guests to park at the rate of 50 cents an hour.

Now since this is a potluck, please make sure you bring something to share. Tim, as the host, sponsors the fluid-free charcoal (for the barbeque pit) as well as the recreational area.

Please leave a comment on this blog entry as to what you are planning to bring, so that we will not have a dozen cartons of macaroni salad. And if I’m not mistaken, alcohol consumption is a go, according to security, as long as it does not become a scene from Old School.

Finally, there is a basketball and an open area that may be used for dodgeball. So if anyone wants to sponsor rubber balls for dodgeball or a basketball, please leave that in your comment as well.

Extra notes: Professor Schultz, you are the guest of honor, so you must show face.

And further concerns, please email me via: sauhsu [at]