Thursday, February 23, 2006

I need to illegally download some Jazz

I don't have any Jazz in my collection. I've HEARD jazz before. My sister's NAME is Jazz (Jasmine, but she goes by Jazz[since forever] and I call her Jazzy), but I never really took the time to download any songs. Can anyone suggest any good jazz songs to download? Artist/Song, plz!

I feel so relieved reading this novel. After Dispatches, it is a breath of fresh air. It really is. Yes, it does jump around a bit, but I seem to be able to follow it much better. I don't get lost and confused and have to try to force (and fail) to see a central plot.

What is with the STH at the beginning? Is it explained later on? I have not reached the 51 page mark yet (I will tonight) but I don't see what it means at all. Does it mean "Something?" I've seen some people on the internet substitute sth for something, but I don't know if Toni Morrison is a big internet geek or sth...

I really like her sense of humor. I like this line in particular: "Some old people who didn't slap the children for being slappable; who saved that strength in case it was needed for something important."

That's just FUNNY. I've know some very "slappable" children. Damned if they weren't always the children with parents that DIDN'T slap em. lol.

I also really love how the husband looks at the photo because it doesn't have an accusing stare like his wife's. This stuff is gold. :)

Very interesting how the past actions are being revealed in the story. I'm gonna go read some more and sleep.



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