Friday, February 17, 2006

Danny GLover looks a little like Komunyakaa

amlit338I was reading Tu Do st. and as far as interpretations go, I really have nothing specific. I'm more or less stoked on the dynamic of sex and violence that Komunakaa uses, as in many of his other poems. When I think about sex and violence, they strike me as the 2 primal characteristics of man; of man without moral construct. In Komunyakaa's poem, for me, the fact that the only things the black and white soldiers shared were killing and prostitutes demonstrates a weird and twisted reconcilliation between them as men. The "rooms that run into each other like tunnels leading to the underworld," is the reconcilliation part. Having said that, I know that the Vietnamese fit in here somehow, especially with mention of the "tunnels... to the underworld," but I haven't figured out how to fit them into my explanation going on the theme of sex and violence. Unless they Vietnamese were having sex with their sisters... It's possible. I don't judge.


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