This week I wanted to talk a little about the midterm. I was a big fan of that midterm because it king of brought the whole course together. Even though the subject matter from book to book differed greatly, it all came together in the end through the essay topics that we were asked to pick from. I chose the topic about multiple identities and seeing yourself through the eyes of others and from this question I was able to tie in most of the books together. Although I don't talk much in class, thinking about the texts after reading the essay question got my brain thinking. I had no problem filling up 3 pages with concrete details and reasons why they applied to the DuBois excerpt.
Also I want to mention the fact that the identification questions were a good choice. They were not so easy as to allow someone who did not read the material a chance to guess correctly while at the same time they were quotes that kick started the memory after thinking about them for a few seconds. I had identification questions in my other English class covering less material and the identifications were impossible because the passages were so obscure. As for the essay topics, they were thought provoking and at the same time easy to approach. I hope that the next midterm follows the same format.
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