Thursday, April 06, 2006

Curt Flood

There's a good conversation linked here with Alex Belth, author of the new biography of Curt Flood (the player I told you about who sued to become a free agent, lost, and then saw other players get rich as free agents a few years later). You have to scroll down through lots of fan stuff to get there; it's called "Flood Gates" or something:

The point I wanted to make about Flood was that one person (like Flood, like Alika) can sometimes make a difference, if he's willing to give up a lot. By the way, Flood was not utterly ruined, as I implied. He had a good marriage when he died, and baseball players did thank him for his efforts. His road was not easy, though.

An irony may be that you have to be successful in order to challenge the system effectively. And, if you are successful, your motivations to change things are diminished. This is not to say that such challenges are not sometimes/often needed.

aloha, Susan the baseball fan


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